The two pictures in the last picture are made by the best sister in the world!
Aug 24, 2010
It's all about the details
Sorry for the lack of posts here lately, but I've been busy moving back to my apartment and starting the third and last year of school. My sister has moved in with me too, and we have so much fun together decorating the apartment! It's not close to ready yet but here are a few details from the kitchen:

The two pictures in the last picture are made by the best sister in the world!
The two pictures in the last picture are made by the best sister in the world!
Aug 14, 2010
Gotta love it

Minimarket is a swedish clothing label that I LOVE! They include everything I love in their designs and the result can't be anything else than absolutely adorable. And just have a look at these lovely pics! Love.
How many times have I mentioned the world "love" in this post?
Aug 13, 2010
Barcelona blues
I love this necklace that I and my sister bought at a flea market a couple of weeks ago. Anna (my sister) remaked it by adding the golden chain instead of the leather string that was there before.
I finished my summer job yesterday, yay! But the best thing is that I probably have a job next summer too. In Barcelona!! There is this family I met yesterday that lives there and next summer they needed a nursemaid for their children. So they asked me if I wanted the job and come and live with them. I'm so happy! There's just one small problem; the kids only speak spanish, and my spanish vocabulary is very limited. But the mum said that that wasn't going to be a problem since she wanted the children to learn some english. So I guess it's not a problem. At least not a problem big enough to stop me from taking the job. They will only need help in the afternoon, so maybe I can take a spanish course or something in the mornings. I'm really excited about this!
Aug 10, 2010
Jump jump jump
Another oldie since I still haven't taken any photos of my new garment. I think this jumpsuit is the best thing I've ever made, I'm really proud of it! I's made out of some lightweight denim I found at a second hand store, so it was really cheap too.
I stop working on thursday, so then the blog will probably be updated more often!
Aug 3, 2010
Now at last
Last weekend my mum, sister and I was out on a flea market-round, and the main thing I'm always looking for at flea markets is fabrics and this time I found these three different fabrics that I purchased. And me and my sister also bought two necklaces that I'll show you some other day!
Now - worktime!
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